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Tuesday, 2 October 2018


Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences

Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences....

Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयादिबोधक वाक्य) :- ऐसे वाक्य जिसमे Joy (ख़ुशी), sorrow (दुःख), wonder (आश्चर्य) आदि हो तथा  विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न (!) आये तो ऐसे वाक्य Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयादिबोधक वाक्य) कहलाते है | 

Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences

Rules :-  1. said  के स्थान पर exclaimed with joy/sorrow/surprise लगाएंगे व inverted comma  की जगह that  लगाएंगे | बाकि pronoun  बदलेंगे और लास्ट में fullstop  लगा देंगे | 

निम्न उदाहरण से समझ सकते है। ...

➤➤ Shivam said,"Hurrah!we have won the match."
Shivam exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

➤➤ She said,"Alas! I have lost my gold ring."
She exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her gold ring.

➤➤ They said,"What a fine picture it is."
They exclaimed with wonder that it was a very fine picture.

➤➤ She said,"So dark the night is!"
She exclaimed with horror that it was a very dark night.

Convert the following direct speech into Indirect speech...

1. She said,"Hurrah! we won the football game."
2. She said,"Alas! I am ruined."
3. He said," Well done ! You have stood first."
4. Anti said to Chiku,"Good night."
5. The teacher said,"oh ! that's a nuisance!"
6. He said,"O that I could be young again!"
7. He said,"How fine she sings!"
8. She said,"How carefully he drives!"
9. He said,"What a fool I am."
10. Rakesh said,"Such a horrible film !"  

Monday, 1 October 2018


Narration Practice sheet 5 Indirect Speech of Optative Sentences

Narration Practice sheet 4 - Indirect Speech of Optative Sentences.

Optative Sentences (इच्छासूचक वाक्य ) :- जिन वाक्यों में wish  , prayer और curse (अभिशाप) का भाव आये तो ऐसे वाक्य को  Optative Sentences कहा जाता है | 

pearlpcm Jodhpur

Rules  :- Optative Sentences का Indirect  speech  बनाते समय निम्न बाते ध्यान रखी जाती है। ..

1 . Said  की जगह wished  , prayed  और cursed  कर देंगे | 
2 . may  की जगह might  कर देंगे | 

निचे दिए जा रहे उदाहरण से समझ सकते है। ...

➤➤ She said to me,"May you live long."
She wished me that I might live long.

➤➤ They said,"May god make us happy."
They prayed that God might make them happy.

➤➤ He said to her,"May you die soon.'
He cursed her that she might die soon.

कई बार cursed  वाले वाक्यों में cursed  के बाद for  भी लगा देते है |  

Now solve following Direct speech for Optative sentences...

1. He said,"May Mr. Kumar hold his office for many years."
2. She said to me,"May you be successful!"
3. The people said,"Long live our President Dr. Kalam."
4. He said to me,"Good morning! I have come to meet you."
5. The saint said,"May God bless you with a son."
6. The old man said,"May that building collapse."
7. He said,"May you fail."
8. I said to him,"May you be happy and prosperous."
9. He said,"May haven have pity on me,"

10. The labours said,"Long live our unity."