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Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences

Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences....

Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयादिबोधक वाक्य) :- ऐसे वाक्य जिसमे Joy (ख़ुशी), sorrow (दुःख), wonder (आश्चर्य) आदि हो तथा  विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न (!) आये तो ऐसे वाक्य Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयादिबोधक वाक्य) कहलाते है | 

Narrations Practice sheet 6 Indirect speech of Exclamatory Sentences

Rules :-  1. said  के स्थान पर exclaimed with joy/sorrow/surprise लगाएंगे व inverted comma  की जगह that  लगाएंगे | बाकि pronoun  बदलेंगे और लास्ट में fullstop  लगा देंगे | 

निम्न उदाहरण से समझ सकते है। ...

➤➤ Shivam said,"Hurrah!we have won the match."
Shivam exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

➤➤ She said,"Alas! I have lost my gold ring."
She exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her gold ring.

➤➤ They said,"What a fine picture it is."
They exclaimed with wonder that it was a very fine picture.

➤➤ She said,"So dark the night is!"
She exclaimed with horror that it was a very dark night.

Convert the following direct speech into Indirect speech...

1. She said,"Hurrah! we won the football game."
2. She said,"Alas! I am ruined."
3. He said," Well done ! You have stood first."
4. Anti said to Chiku,"Good night."
5. The teacher said,"oh ! that's a nuisance!"
6. He said,"O that I could be young again!"
7. He said,"How fine she sings!"
8. She said,"How carefully he drives!"
9. He said,"What a fool I am."
10. Rakesh said,"Such a horrible film !"  

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